Why is asbestos so dangerous?

Asbestos is the usual, describing the group of fibrous metamorphic minerals composed of hydrous-magnesium-silicate groups. Its unique chemical composition makes it an excellent insulator, flame retardant, high strength and resistance to chemicals. Just this was the choice of material from the whole purpose.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral. After the crystallization of binding molecules by linear polymerization of producing oriented crystalline structure.
This three-dimensional crystal structure is very similar to other crystals and stones. What makes asbestos different, that the two planes of the molecular arrangements are much weaker than the third. When you find the strength crystalline structure breaks along its plane of linear fragmentation, producing fibrous materials. This division will continue the molecular level. The average size of respirable asbestos is 3-20 microns and can be as thin as 0.01 micron. To make things worse this small size is easy to diffuse the air making it more difficult to contain. With such as small size, we can not see it or try to; we are still breathing and growing in our lungs.
When our system our body can not get rid of it. Our defense systems to fight and try to get rid of him, causing several types of diseases. Two predominant types of asbestosis and Mesothelioma. The dormancy period of asbestosis can be as much as 20 years and for 50 years as Mesothelioma.