Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatments

Once the Peritoneal Mesothelioma has been diagnosed, the doctor recommends the treatments based on several factors such as the extent of damage, age and medical history of a person and overall health. Traditional treatments for mesothelioma include surgery if the tumor has spread and is beyond the radiation curable radiation, external and internal radiation, and chemotherapy, which includes the use of a pill or needle to insert anti-drug carcinogen in the body.

With the advancement of science and technology, new processing techniques have been introduced, and some of it is looking promising.

Intraoperative photodynamic therapy is one of those new methods that use special drugs and light to kill cancer cells. This method is used to study the early stages of mesothelioma in the chest.

In addition, immunotherapy is a way to boost immunity of the body against the spread of cancer. Furthermore, recent investigations have found that gene therapy is effective in correcting defective genes that cause mesothelioma. But these methods are still in clinical trials and have not yet been implemented in hospitals.

Despite a wide range of treatments available for mesothelioma, clinical experiences reveal that none of this alone is capable of controlling the disease effectively. Therefore, it is a selected combination of some of these treatments called "multimodality approach" to be followed and the different modes of treatment to be used are determined by the physician as based on the patient's medical condition and age.

Piece of tail passive exposure to asbestos can also lead to mesothelioma. This occurs when asbestos fibers reach the internal configuration through dirties clothes with asbestos dust. It is therefore advisable for those handling asbestos can change your clothes before going home or going to any public place.