10 frequently ask questions to ask your mesothelioma attorney

Mesothelioma is a rare and extremely lethal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. People who have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles are at the greatest risk. From as early as the 1920s, asbestos companies were aware of the risks, but have continued to irresponsibly manufacture and distribute asbestos.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or a family member has died as a result of mesothelioma, then you are entitled to compensation through a mesothelioma lawsuit against the companies that made these asbestos products. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, the average settlement is $ 1,000,000 today. If the case goes to trial, the average jumps to $ 6,000,000 award.

The first step in getting the compensation you deserve is to find an asbestos lawyer. With more than 3000 Americans diagnosed with mesothelioma every year, the number of attorneys involved in mesothelioma cases is growing exponentially. To find the best person to advocate for you and your family’s needs, you should select a lawyer who has the necessary experience and ability to aggressively represent their interests. The following ten frequently ask questions that can guide you this process.

1. Am I eligible to file a lawsuit mesothelioma? Many states have statute of limitations in cases of liability, so it is important to contact a lawyer before.

2. Would you handle my case on an individual or as part of a class action claim? Some large companies already have agreements with companies of all asbestos, which could prevent them take, their case.

3. What is your personal experience in representing mesothelioma patients? How many cases have you personally handled?

4. What is your background? How many of their cases are resolved? How many went to trial? And what were the results of each case?

5. His company specializes in asbestos cases? How many other lawyers working on cases of mesothelioma? What kind of support staff and resources at their disposal in the investigation and arguing my case?

6. Do you intend to handle my case personally? Many attorneys outsource the research to another law firm in exchange for part of their fees. This may not be in your best interest.

7. How will fees be handled for my case? Most mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means they receive a percentage of their compensation. A normal percentage of contingency in mesothelioma lawsuits is 33 to 40 percent of its liquidation. If your claim is unsuccessful, then the attorneys earn nothing.

8. What can I expect from my mesothelioma claim? Ask the attorney to outline the process of preparation and court proceedings, and to describe their role at each stage. These questions not only help you learn more about the litigation process, but also lawyers about communication skills and style.

9. How long to wait for the research stage to last? What information and input is needed from me, my family and my doctor?

10. Jurisdiction in my case tried? Average compensation varies by region, it is important to consider if they are exposed to asbestos in more than one state or county.

For a free case evaluation, contact Johnson Law Group at 1-888-311-5522 or visit http://www.johnsonlawgroup.com