People living in Australia, suffering from mesothelioma, before they can receive their compensation

People living in Australia, suffering from mesothelioma, illness caused by asbestos poisoning are passing before their claims for compensation are heard. One Sydney Judge believes this because of the cost saving measure which was implemented in 2005.
The judge said, and urged the government of New South Wales, to make rapid changes in the way cases are processed in order to prevent further pain to those victims who are already sick. If changes are not made to the rules and more people will be either too ill to be able to fully evidence or die.
The new system was introduced because of the huge legal costs, which, because of the amount of handling the number of cases related to asbestos. In addition to funds for compensation were approximately U.S. $ 1.5 billion U.S. dollars less than what was needed. In order to reduce legal fees and reduce the cost of the government has introduced a timetable for the mediation of claims and on how claims were to be handled and resolved. Overview of how this new system of work has shown that legal costs have been reduced for the defendant and the plaintiff, who was found to be positive. However, the system does not by that time to actually have to solve cases, which means that some victims never saw the money they were entitled and which they could have enriched lives in the recent past.
Now may be directed to the judge, if it appears that the victim may die before the matter will be resolved in accordance with the schedule. However, this process also does not work quickly enough for some victims of the application under the program dies a few weeks before they are removed from timetabled process. The judge, speaking of the process said that there is a serious problem when the victims are exposed only during the last few weeks of their lives. In these cases, victims are often in very poor health and deteriorating rapidly, which is very likely that their case will be resolved during their lives. There have been calls for a review process to see if there is any way in what could be sped up to avoid this type of situation. Many of them also, that the old system used prior to timetabled new version introduces a more effective in resolving cases quickly. However, due to high legal costs of the defendant by the old system, it can be financially to return to it.
The overall message is clear. Victims in these cases must have their claims for compensation resolved before they die. It is important that this is to ensure not only the financial well-being of victims in the last stage of their life, but also the financial situation of their families.